Principal Laura La Sala

PS 89Q
The Jose Peralta School of DREAMers

"We are raising artists who will shape the future here"
Ms. La Sala, Principal
Welcome to our Art Class
Dear students and parents,
Welcome back! I hope you had an enjoyable summer. This year, art for kindergarten will focus on having the students develop skills working with various materials. Art projects will introduce the students to various mediums including collage, paint, sculpture, printmaking, 3d construction and drawing.
Projects will teach students how to manipulate and use the art materials to visually represent and express their experiences and their ideas.

EXPO Exhibition 2019:
Celebrating the Creative Spirit of P.S.89Q Students
Feb.8-Feb.10, 2019
Exhibition Overview
P.S. Art is an annual celebration of achievement in the arts in PS89Q. This juried exhibition of the work of talented young artists showcases the creativity of 123 prekindergarten through grade five students from all academy.The exhibition consists of paintings, prints, sculptures, photographs, mixed-media works, collages, and drawings. Each work of art demonstrates personal expression, an imaginative use of media, the results of close observation, and an understanding of artistic processes.
Our dedicated art teachers support students' creativity and help them look closely to respond to their worlds through art making. As students take art classes from one year to the next, they increase their understanding of art, sharpen their skills, and learn to harness their imaginations for artistic expression.